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宝博体育 南非 to forge a new, internationally sensitive consciousness. If you’re passionate about nature and the great outdoors, 南非 will delight you with its unusual landscape, 野生动物, 还有冒险的机会. 去天文非洲进行一次观星之旅,或者选择在克鲁格国家公园进行一次传统的观狮之旅, 水牛, 豹子, 大象, 和犀牛. Hang out with African penguins at Boulders Beach while you swim and sunbathe. Go whale watching near the town of Hermanus, 离开普敦不远, or go cage diving with Great White sharks in Gansbaai. In the springtime, see fields of wildflowers in bloom at Namaqua National Park. 参观人类的摇篮, the richest human fossil site in Africa where our species possibly originated. Ride a cable car up Table Mountain for incredible views of 开普敦. 徒步旅行, green slopes of Drakensburg and see the tallest waterfall in Africa, 叫图盖拉, 近距离. 当你在南非时,你会重新感受到自然世界的美丽和奇迹.




This coastal city is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa, 在种族上, 种族, 以及宗教多样化的人口. 开普敦充满活力的文化和美丽的周边景观使其成为国际人群的宠儿.
55 °F (12 °C)
72 °F (22 °C)
  • 业务
  • 文化研究
  • 工程
  • 科学

南非 offers so many different attractions to enjoy, you’ll find the right one for you no matter what you’re interested in. Take time to relax at the Buddhist Retreat Centre in Ixopo KwaZulu Natal, 你在哪里可以享受禅宗花园, 冥想大厅, and views of the surrounding valleys and forests. Spend an afternoon at the Butterfly World Zoo in Stellenbosch, where hundreds of butterflies share the tropical gardens with small mammals, 鸟, 和爬行动物. 参观位于夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省的纳尔逊·曼德拉纪念馆,向这位南非最著名的人物致敬. Ride a train through the 南非n countryside, from 开普敦 to another big city or smaller town. 花一天的时间在葡萄园美丽的风景,美味的食物,和获奖的葡萄酒. 参观约翰内斯堡的种族隔离博物馆,了解更多南非制度化种族主义的历史. Wander through Montecasino Aviary to see over sixty different species of 鸟. Experience a variety of African cultures in Lesedi Cultural Village, where the traditions of different African peoples are displayed through dance, 传统的房子, 菜, 和示威.

Explore 南非’s unique and interesting food with an open mind and an empty stomach. Start with the country’s national dish, 叫bobotie, 为了一顿美味的烤晚餐, 裹着蛋奶冻的肉末. 海鲜爱好者可以在开普敦沿岸找到美味的鱼、贻贝、小龙虾等. 你会在当地的农贸市场购物,一边买一些美味的食材,一边体验社区生活吗. 尝尝你在家乡找不到的野味,或者在开普敦的Bo-Kaap区品尝开普马来美食. 前往德班品尝国外最正宗的印度美食,或者在the Cargo Hold餐厅享用一顿被地板到天花板的鲨鱼缸包围的美食. 在约翰内斯堡进行一次全面的非洲美食之旅,其中包括一个刚果村庄, 西非市场, 和喀麦隆餐馆. 带你的朋友去南非烤肉馆,和当地人一起共享烤肉大餐. For dessert, order some malva pudding, a delicacy of Dutch origin.



科学 & 环境

科学 & 环境


With strong international and regional links, 开普敦大学理学院的12个系以卓越的研究而闻名. 加入1左右,500 other undergraduates to focus on the southern hemisphere’s oceans, 天空, 气候, 总体环境. 你将有机会接触到最先进的实验室,并对整个非洲大陆的挑战和机遇有一个视角. 学习新的和创新的方法来解决当今科学中最大的问题 & 开普敦的环境项目.


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业务 & 经济学

业务 & 经济学


全球化使商业世界变得更小,更具竞争力,更具创新性. 了解不断变化的国际环境和发展成功所需的管理技能是当今任何应届毕业生的关键. Taking courses at UCT will engage you not only in learning those skills, 而是磨练你的适应能力, 创造力, 批判性思维. Whether you’re interested in investment, marketing, or leadership, the 业务 & 经济学 program in 开普敦 will give you the edge you need to make a big next step.


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  • 起价20,895美元
人文、社会科学 & 心理学

进入UCT人文学院,探索17个院系和30个学术专业中的一个或多个. Join local and international students in learning how to think outside the box, ask questions to solve real-world problems, and delve into a uniquely 南非n perspective. 辩论, 说话, and learn with students from 44 countries to study everything from philosophy to history, 宗教与教育, 以及政治科学的发展. 在开普敦的教室里坐下来,改变你的观点,同时也为你在美国的专业获得学分.S.


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  • 起价20,895美元
工程 & 计算机科学

工程 & 计算机科学


进入一所大学,你的课程将直接涉及水资源短缺等问题, 城市化, 可持续性, 以及替代能源. 作为UCT工程学院院长 & the Built Environment Professor Alison Lewis says, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring unique opportunities for engineering and built environment professionals to address environmental issues and redesign how we manage.“有了教师和20多个活跃的研究小组,工程专业的学生 & 计算机科学课程将与其他积极的国际和南非学生一起在最先进的设施中学习.


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  • 起价20,895美元

If you’re a creative person or drawn to the arts, 南非丰富的创意文化会让你着迷,让你对这个国家的人民和历史有宝贵的了解. View some of the planet’s oldest human drawings in the caves of Drakensburg. Pose for a photo in front of the vibrant street art in Johannesburg and 开普敦. 在Zeitz博物馆欣赏非洲大陆最大的当代非洲艺术收藏. 在爵士酒廊发现南非爵士音乐,在该国众多音乐节之一的当代南非表演者. 进入开普敦的地下音乐现场,听听对政治运动有启发作用的反种族隔离歌曲. Book lovers can check out the annual Franschhoek Literary Festival, which focuses on 南非n literature written in English, along with the Knysna Literary Festival and 开普敦’s Open Book Festival. 位于Grahamstown的国家英语文学博物馆为你提供了另一种了解南非作家及其作品的方式. Independent bookstores abound in the country’s major cities, so if you’re looking for something to read in print, you won’t have any trouble finding it.

当你在南非留学的时候, 你将有机会与来自全国各地和非洲大陆的黑人和白人学生分享教室空间和社区,并与其他国际学生互动. 培养你在全球化劳动力中所需要的跨文化意识和智慧, encounter one of 南非’s many languages, and make advances toward your degree with engaging coursework in this complex setting.



  • 在muizenberg海滩冲浪 Whether you’ve never surfed before or are a seasoned pro, test the waters with your board at Muizenberg Beach, where a gorgeous landscape of white sand and rolling waves awaits. 距离校园只有25分钟的车程,这是大自然爱好者完美的小度假胜地.
  • 徒步攀登桌山或信号山 With fantastic outdoor vistas right in your new backyard, 在桌山或信号山徒步旅行,你会看到使开普敦成为头号旅游目的地的美丽和辉煌. Table Mountain was even voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2011. The mountain is home to more than 1400 floral species, 还有像猫鼬这样的动物, 豪猪, 游隼, and the rare Table Mountain Ghost Frog.
  • GROOTE AND KLEIN CONSTANTIA WINE ROUTE REGION The 南非n wine-making tradition goes back to the 1600s. Located in the Contantia Valley twenty minutes outside 开普敦, Groot Constantia庄园是该地区最古老的葡萄酒生产农场,并声称是南非葡萄酒产业的根源. It’s up to you to decide how to enjoy the Cape Dutch architecture, 郁郁葱葱的农村, and the local food and wine on your visit to the estate.
  • 根66市场 这个熙熙攘攘的农贸市场是在葡萄园和树木环绕的“大篷”帐篷的树荫下举办的. 开普敦时髦的固定设施, you can find everything from antiques to gourmet hamburgers, organic fresh produce and jewelry here. Make this a place on your ‘to-visit’ list, rain or shine.